
Showing posts from April, 2016

[Alien: Isolation] Nope. Nope. Nope

My Mario, Luigi, and Bowser tattoo!


"I swear if this works..."

Dang it. [Star Citizen Alpha]

Killing an eagle with an exploding bear [Far Cry 4].

My brother hit the old school jackpot today at a garage sale. $40 and all the memories

Apparently i don't strafe left very much.

Fantasy video games races

The "greatest" gameboy accessory ever

[GIF] Forever shitting my pants at this moment

Look who I found in Elite Dangerous as NPC :)

How to catch an insurance fraudster

When the bomb is just right

im back

Dark Souls has nothing on this...

USC cancelled a video game panel for including too many men

After 9/11, Kirby becomes strangely angry on American boxart

This is the shower curtain in the house I'm looking at moving into.

How to choose the perfect boardgame

I am from a small indie game studio, and We just released our new physics-based, ship building and destruction game onto Steam Greenlight, and would love to know what you guys think!

Space Engine, a FREE sandbox universe simulator, has entered closed testing on Steam (download in comments)

Nah, Helicopter is safe

Recently, Rocket League has become less stressful.

Cool Star Wars PC Case

Super Nintendo Chalmers

Stop it.... he is already dead (Smash Brothers Melee)

Xbox One promises "No Jerks"

This guy has one hell of a poker face

Well at least it's not two dudes going at it in a public bus this time.

Atari co-founder: mobile games make me want to throw my phone

Please make this!

Scumbag Steve of the Final Fantasy World

Your support made this game a reality. Thank you Reddit.

"Using games to get in touch with the world when they have no real choice otherwise, a heartfelt story about one of the best MMOs out there"


100% Planned (GTA V)

First time Dark Souls-er

Best. Wall. Art. Ever.

Amazing gaming comics by Zac Gorman

Final moments before City of Heroes shut down for good.

Nintendo, if you're going to bury the Wii U, at least give it a nice coffin

Bye have a great time!

Living in Iraq has a positive side you know.

[Dark Souls III] They will not soon forget the day they invaded the world of Cuban Pete

The One Achievement (Older Gamers)

Morrowind is a beautiful place

Google Play Store to start showing a "Contains ads" designation for apps and games

[Dark Souls 3] If only we could git gud and level Adaptability like this champion

Behold, one of the greatest endings in video game history. California Raisins on NES.