
Showing posts from February, 2017

Yooka-Laylee looks pun-tastic

And play of the game goes to...

From 004 to 006

Pro-level move right here.

Civilization: Beyond Earth Logic

Eyeballing it in Titanfall 2

I wasn't aware of the new Looney Tunes update...

New screenshot confirms Assassins Creed Empire's setting in Ancient Egypt


[Fallout 4] Carla trashing a raider to the oblivion

After 11 years, Gamestop is selling Sneak King for 4.99. When released this was 3.99 at Burger King.

Circle of life in Battlefield

That was unexpected...

Seattle is pretty cool.

I like to hide jokes on my work's labels.

For a friend who gave me my first PS1 and passed away a few years ago.

Borderlands gun made by my dad.

Doom mod where everything is Tim Allen

How you know you're at the right party

Man builds the Blue Falcon

Rest from your scrolling, if only for a while.

I'm off to Hogwarts!

Middle-earth: Shadow of War Announcement Trailer!

A journey through time

Girls these days...

Devs take notes

1313 Never forget

This guy better be a boss.

Was browsing top all time, member when we were happy bout this.

More examples of bad Call of Duty logic

*Sneezes*... God dammit...


BOOM goes the dynamite.

Usually a peaceful beast, Montagne can be dangerous when cornered

Just got an Xbox one tried all the microphones I own this was the only thing that worked.

Hey... don't do that.

Paying Respect

Nintendo President Satoru Iwata Passes Away

Patience is key.

In FIFA 94, you could run away from the referee when he tried to book you

Redditor got Bill Gates for Secret Santa

Make it happen! (x-post from r/titanfall)

Some Michael Bay shit going on right here

MRW she becomes too clingy (xpost /r/GamingGifs)

This My Friends, Is Called Video Game Procrastination

Oh, the irony

My wife's Painting Shiny Umbreon under the moon, what you think ?

Taking a rest in Steep with my sister. Even in video games you can still enjoy a sunrise.

[Skyrim] So Peaceful

Not a moment too soon.