
Showing posts from July, 2017

Prepare for trouble

This pause screen on super smash...

My brother-in-law (RIP 1990-2014) who I never met had a friend who worked on Destiny and was able to get a one-of-a-kind PS4 signed by the devs. My father-in-law said I am like a new son for him and handed the PS4 to me. I cryed. He cryed. We played games all night.

I was afraid this day would come

I had to paint a still life for an online art class, so I made this.

TIL if you start Prehistorik (a game from 1992) in 2017 you get this message

Double Dutch in Overwatch

Yugioh augmented reality fan game demo for HoloLens

When you think you can take on the World.

I'm usually not a cosplay guy but this one is amazing. Vlada Lutsak as Asari.

2004: One of The Best Years in Gaming.

This van I just saw

My favorite part about exploring in Fallout 4 is coming across these..

The Fallout 4 mod that everyone should try

Five minutes in, and this will kill me...

This new Dragon Ball Z game looks wild!

[ghost recon wildlands] This bothers me more then it should

Um, yeah, about that...

I drew Gravelord Nito!

Just a reminder to take a breather. You are safe here, friend.

My buddy brought his TV and console over so we could play. I miss the days of split-screen.

When a collector plays an RPG

Made my delivery driver’s night by showing him VR for the first time

Stabbing contest

2004, 2013 graphics....what will 2024 look like?

Started my first ever fallout game. What kinda hell have I stepped into?

How my family plays the Switch

Rainbow Energy Sword prop (x-post from /r/woahdude)

Intimidation is key

Deus ex devs know who deserves their own game

The Witcher (Painting)

This Mario is made out of toast.

[BF4] close call

Damn suit

Maybe we should leave Nuketown out of this...

Pokemon household. Blue in the window... (and Mew hiding under the stairs!!!)

Wasted (x-post from r/funny)

Dope af Zenyatta graffiti

Another one of my wife's paintings, Snorlax Moon lit night, What do you guys think?

Assassins need a lunch break too

Im looking at you Valve...

Do you even gym?

My experience with TLOU on grounded difficulty in one gif.

Regardless if you are xbox or PS user, let's just agree that no one deserves the treatment this poor guy did.

Yes...a "comic book"

Was at my nieces bday party and they had a balloon guy, tried to test him but he pwned me..

Don't worry, he don't bite.

Armoured cars logic in GTA V

26,460 perler beads later...

Gotcha Bitch