
Showing posts from June, 2016

I guess this kind of stuff DOES happen to people...

Who can resist that devious pooch controlling all of Silent Hill?

A piece of advice for people playing Dead Space 1 and 2. Too bad the developers caught on in 3

Scarred for life

When you're not expecting and it happens.

Why i think 2007 was the best year for gaming

When you like someone there's always that one person

What walkthroughs have become on YouTube...

Playing with blocks

training for the tour de france

As a new player, I'm finding the Dark Souls 3 community to be very helpful

Skyrim - special needs mods

UK being UK

Good Guy Dead Space

[Halo 3] Jumping off an icicle.

This feature NEEDS to be in every MMO!

Evel Knievel be jealous [GTA V]

Part of a Los Santos PSA Campaign - Use a seatbelt or get stomped in the dick

Flash back to 1998. Quake 2 LAN party.

Never underestimate the bullshit devs can pull. Here's a look back from '09 at a demo Peter Molyneux said was all 100% real, which turned out to be 100% fake

[Overwatch] Lucio Karma Train

[Cosplay] Female Mccree from Overwatch

Playing through the entire timeline

Happy 16th birthday to one of the greatest games ever

Assassin's Creed Movie - Don't forget your roots

The first time I get it, I get it like this

Even the laugh is less creepy

The only good kind of farming in Halo 5

Beautiful art for Dishonored 2

[GTA V] Jumping over the military base

Absolutely stunning, Ciri cosplay

When someone is a little bit too salty

One win, coming up

Thanks tutorial, but I learned how to do that a long time ago...

I got this awesome care package in the mail today from Ubisoft to say thanks for being so patient while they looked into how my Division account got banned while I was overseas.

Spotted this little guy on the way to work this morning (Cape Town)

Incredible Witcher 3 Map Art

The Godfather videogame contained Marlon Brando's last performance before he died. He recorded a lot of audio on his death bed, but do to him having to be on oxygen a lot of the audio wasn't fit for the game. But the developers did decide to keep this part in. It's Hauntingly sad hearing this.

You can do stunts in older GTAs too

Zelda Skyward Sword looks amazing on Dolphin 5.0! - including SSAO, AA, 16:9, 16 AF, 2K and Rimlighting

BF4 - 16 kills with one rocket

Helen Stifler as Jinx (League of Legends)

For the Metal Gear Solid fans here, I made a MG REX Blueprint wallpaper. Enjoy :)

Scumbag Game Puzzles

Dolphin 5.0 Released, brings smooth emulation of Wii and GameCube. (For real this time!)

You know what they call a Quarter Pounder with Cheese in Dragon's Dogma?

This absolute sociopath makes videos for games. They are amazing.

What happens when you die as a baby in Fallout 3

Warning! Incoming Game. Warning! Incoming Game.

Behind the loading screen