
Showing posts from October, 2016

DOOM Revenant Cosplay

The exact moment I went from liking Titanfall 2, to straight up loving Titanfall 2.

VERY Near Death Experience In Battlefield 1

Game Mechanics

And the winner of BF4 is..

"let go of me"

Found a kindred old school soul this Halloween

Trolling a dude who's just about to drop in a virtual reality rollercoaster

When your bullet hits the fuel tank

Gaming saved my life, and i'd hate for someone to tell you that video games are pointless.

Sieg Heil.

Huge Worm [Star Citizen]

Refuelling in games is such an underrated feature

Made a Super-Mario styled map of Skyrim x-post from r/skyrim

How my Skyrim SE playthrough is gonna end up

Battleblock family photo.

Rockstar playing with fire

Complete N64 collection with all color variants.

Rae Kay Cosplay's Hanzo Costume (Overwatch)

My Handsome Jack costume

Literally unplayable

How convenient!

A comparison between past Halo games and new CoD games. (Xpost from r/Halo)

My friend barely had to do anything for this Halloween costume... All he needed was the cane. [Lester Crest - GTA5]

The dissapointment is real

Here's my Squirtle Evolution Pumpkin

Bad Luck Alduin

Enjoying Halloween in VR

How to parallel park

Sometimes science is more art than science, Morty.

EA and Origin has also recently banned another country, Iran. Iranian Players are unable to access their purchased libraries and can't use Origin.

Borderlands Costume

I think I nailed the "disgruntled Mario look" quite well

My girlfriend and I are splicers for Halloween. Not too bad!

Something I whipped up in Blender just because. Thought r/gaming would appreciate it.

I think there's something wrong with the wolves (Skyrim SE)

EA Games and Origin quietly bans an entire country - or, why you shouldn't take digital distribution for granted.

So Skyrim Remastered is looking great

This beautiful, magic water mill is spinning the wrong way. (Skyrim SE)

What is that?!

Cool fallout PC case.

This game looks ni... oh my

I walked around Skyrim for 10 hours as a social experiment for street harassment.

Oh he's looking this way. Hey gurl, heyyyyy!

My pumpkin carving might be recognisable to some of you

Behind Enemy Lines

Absolutely amazing Skull Kid costume from a high school senior for spirit week.

When game developers want you to know an area is off limits

[Skyrim] Orcish Armor

I Carved a Pumpkin! 🎃