
Showing posts from October, 2018

Ate a chalupa and won an Xbox One X Platinum

While most of Reddit seems to be playing RDR2, I'm just starting Witcher 3 for the first time.

Solid Cosplay

Doom themed office Halloween party

So I printed that photoshop off...

All PS4 Gamers rn

I drew Garfield as a Gameboy-styled horror game. Part 2/4

I mean, she’s not wrong...

My daughters as Maria and Luigia!

Link missed a payment

The people you meet in RDR2

My tattoo artist made this and I bought it from him now it hangs on my wall next to my Xbox one X.

Homemade Horizon Zero Dawn Aloy costume I made for my daughter. I also did her hair too. Happy Halloween, gamers!

RDR2 - Killed by his own weapon

How to be an honorable mass murderer

Intimidation at its finest.

It do be like that sometimes

Skull Kid Cosplay

Having a high bounty will make the police arrest you differently.

My favorite quote from Red Dead so far

I visited Nintendo Mecca today and saw IT.

Friend: Which Spiderman is in the new game? Me: Yes.

Tracking a prey in RDR2

My fiance and I went as Prince Peach and Maria

Only the true fans...

The COD Curse

Oh Watch Dogs...

Ride the Jhonnys plank as horse

Here's to all the gamer friends we've lost through the years

RDR2's Attention To Detail In Animal Behavior

1998 was special

Horses always want the spotlight.

Well Shit...

The RDR2 companion app is fuckin great

When everybody is busy playing Red Dead Redemption 2 but I have yet to play Spider-Man...

Pssst Nintendo ... Do you want to know how to make ALL the money?

Experimenting in the open-world

My first game is being released in a few days. I'm crazy nervous

My son's homemade Fallout New Vegas costume

I drew Garfield as a Gameboy-styled horror game

ThErE’s a SnAkE iN My BoOt

*Tracking Intensifies*

New post Tracking a wolf, minding my own business...

Little details matter

Lara Croft cosplay comparison

To all the game devs that include this option, God bless you

I am not amused that the abrevation for RDR2 keeps making me think people are obessively posting about R2D2.

How to Properly Hide a Body in Red Dead Redemption 2

u/uncle_jessy created a printable mini wheel for the PS4 and Xbox One controllers, and it's awesome!

Cinematic View is SO Advanc...TRAIN!